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How To Increase Your Earning Potential

How To Increase Your Earning Potential

seo noman853 12-Feb-2019

Everyone wants to earn a good salary so that they can live comfortably, indulge themselves and not have to worry about their finances (one of the biggest causes of stress). Additionally, when you earn a higher salary, it can also give you a boost and help you to feel that you are making positive strides in your life. While many people want to increase their earning potential, you will find that a lot of people either do not know how to go about doing this or they are not willing to put in the work. While it can be hard work and take some time, there are some highly effective methods for increasing your earning potential and helping you to achieve your financial goals.

1. Ask For A Raise

The easiest way to increase your earning potential is simply to ask your employer for a raise. It is important that you handle this matter with care and, of course, make sure that you deserve the raise. This will involve having worked at the company for a number of years, always delivering a high standard of work and going the extra mile on a regular basis. There is no harm in asking and even if they say no it will make your employer aware that you are keen to earn more.

2. Change Jobs

You can often find higher paying work simply by changing jobs, and sometimes this will put you on a more lucrative career path. This means that you should constantly be looking out for new opportunities, and not shy away from moving businesses - this can be daunting, but if you want to earn more money, then this is sometimes the only option.

3. Relocate

Similarly, sometimes in order to fully maximize your earning potential, you will have to relocate. Geography plays an enormous role when it comes to income with the major cities usually being places where salary prospects and career development are high. Relocating is not always an option, but it is worth considering as you could earn more money and have a better career path by doing the same job.

4. Network

Leading on from this, you also need to take the time to create a large network for yourself as this will open up more opportunities. Meet as many people as you can and give them a business card - if they do not know of anything right now, they might do in the future or know of someone who could use your expertise. Good networking opportunities include:

• Conferences

• Seminars

• Presentations

• Other industry events

• Social media


5. Learn New Skills

It is difficult to earn more money without improving yourself in one way or another. One of the most effective ways to do this is to learn new skills which will allow you to take on more responsibilities at work. The list here is endless, and the best skills will depend on your industry, but a few good examples of valuable skills to develop include:

Soft skills

• Programming

• Coding

• Marketing

• Foreign language

• Finance

6. Earn Qualifications

Going one step further, earning more qualifications not only teaches you important skills that will help you to succeed in business but it is also key in terms of maximizing your earning potential. An MBA in marketing online will bolster your resume and teach you everything that you need to know about helping businesses to advertise and succeed in a time where advertising and marketing play such a pivotal role. Often these qualifications will be a requirement for certain roles and could help you to climb the corporate ladder while boosting your skills and knowledge.

7. Supplement Your Income

Negotiating a higher salary or finding work that pays better can be a huge challenge. A highly effective way to boost your earning potential is to supplement your income. Nowadays, this does not necessarily have to involve committing to another job as there are many easy and highly flexible ways to supplement your income in your own time. A few good ways to supplement your income include:

• Online work

• Freelance content writing

• Running an e-commerce store

• Tutoring

• Consulting

8. Set Yourself Goals

Without goals, it can be very easy to become distracted and to lose your focus. Set yourself regular and achievable financial goals to make sure that you stay on the right track and that improving your earning potential becomes an important part of your life.

9. Seize Opportunities To Lead

In order to earn higher salaries, you need to demonstrate that you are capable of leading a team. This can, of course, be challenging if this is not in your current job description which is why you should seize any opportunities to lead when they arise. This could include a team building activity, a group project or a new role that has arisen. Putting your hand up also shows that you are committed, eager to learn and willing to take the initiative (key attributes in the business world).

10. Work On Your Pitch

To earn more money, you are going to have to convince someone that you deserve it. This can be incredibly daunting and hard to do off the cuff which is why you must work on your “elevator pitch” to sell yourself whether this is to your boss when negotiating a raise when interviewing for a new position or literally in an elevator while networking with a key figure in your industry.

11. Gather Excellent References

It will take more than explaining why you deserve more money - you will also need excellent references so that your points can be backed up. Gather as many references as you can from previous employers, clients, customers and anyone who can testify that you are worthy of earning more money.

It can take time and effort to increase your earning potential, but if you want to earn more money, then it will prove to be worthwhile as this can have such a huge impact on your entire life. Not only this, but it will also allow you to get more from your career and improve your knowledge and skillset.

Updated 12-Jun-2020

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